Comprehensive Legal Support In Real Estate Matters
The WHGC legal team combines decades of experience to support sellers, buyers, real estate companies, brokers, agents, lenders, escrow companies, title companies, appraisers, landlords, tenants and many other parties in virtually all kinds of real estate issues. When it comes to your property and your rights, we will guide your hand and offer the solutions you need.
At WHGC, We See The Bigger Picture
We are more than a real estate law firm. We are more than just attorneys. At WHGC, we provide holistic solutions to address your entire situation, from A to Z.
- Business law: We are skilled business litigators and have seen the consequences of commercial real estate disputes first-hand. Whether you are buying, selling or leasing commercial property, we offer proactive support to protect your rights.
- Estate planning: Real estate should be an integral part of your estate plan. As you are making a purchase or sale, we can update your estate plan immediately to reflect your updated portfolio of assets.
- Tax law: Your real estate investments always have tax implications. Even if you are not a U.S. citizen or are purchasing real estate in another country altogether, we are able to thoroughly evaluate the tax implications of your real estate transactions.
Real estate law often overlaps with these other legal areas. As a result, you should always trust a law firm with intricate knowledge of the law across several areas of practice to fully address your needs.
Navigating The Rules Of Homeowners Associations (HOAs)
An HOA is an organization that enforces rules on a community or collective of properties. Many of our clients do not understand the power that HOAs hold. Many HOAs act similar to government entities, dictating how you are able to use your property and enforcing steep fines when those rules are broken.
When left unchecked, these arbitrary rules and fines can pile up. We help our clients assert their rights as residents or property owners, and are often able to swiftly resolve the many conflicts that arise with HOAs.
Trusted Guidance For Landlords And Tenants
Few relationships are as tense as the ones between landlords and tenants.
While some landlords own a large portfolio of properties, others rely on their real estate income to make a living.
As a tenant, whether you are a commercial or residential tenant, your property is your temporary home, and you have every right to be treated respectfully and fairly while you are living there.
At WHGC, we provide proactive solutions for landlords and tenants alike to protect their rights and their properties. Even when a tenant is unable to pay their rent, there are ways to come to a collaborative agreement that is in everyone’s best interests. We pride ourselves in finding win-win solutions for many landlord/tenant issues.
Located in Orange County, we represent clients in California and all across the world. Contact our legal team today to discuss your unique legal situation and get started on your case. Members of our firm are fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.