IP Transactions and Business Licensing
Maximizing the Value of Your Intellectual Property
Like tangible goods, intellectual property rights can be bought, sold and leased. IP licensing for business purposes is the main source of profit from an intellectual property portfolio. Business licensing of IP holdings can take many forms. Rather than approach business licensing of intellectual property from a case-by-case perspective, we encourage our international commercial clients to develop a long-range business licensing strategy that makes the most efficient and effective use of their intellectual property portfolios.
Whether you are buying, selling or leasing intellectual property rights, the international business law firm of WHGC, P.L.C, can guide you through the process from start to finish. We work within the United States helping companies interested in global expansion of their intellectual property transactions, especially with clients interested in doing business in China. We also work with companies based in Asia who want to explore IP markets in other parts of the world.
Complete and Strategic Services in Business Licensing Transactions
Whether we represent an individual owner of intellectual property or a large commercial concern, we provide legal and business guidance while developing and implementing a business licensing strategy.
- We write and analyze licensing agreements for clarity and to ensure the agreement language makes our clients’ goals possible. We also review licensing agreements to ensure they comply with the various treaties and laws that apply to the markets in which our clients wish to do business.
- We arrange business assessments during merger and acquisition negotiations, to develop a complete picture of the intellectual property rights our client will own once the licensing agreement is complete.
- We negotiate sales or assignments of intellectual property such as patents, trademarks or copyrights. We analyze the relative benefits of assigning the entire property or only certain specified uses, and we write assignment agreements that clearly state each party’s rights and obligations in relation to the specific intellectual property at issue.
Contact WHGC, P.L.C
To schedule a consultation with one of our intellectual property lawyers, contact any of our offices directly, call or toll free 866-970-0186 or send an e-mail.