Pursuing higher education in the United States is not cheap. It costs thousands of dollars a semester to pay for tuition. Then there are book costs, housing, food and health insurance to consider. Unless you come from a wealthy family, it can be difficult to cover all...
Can you enforce noncompete agreements in California?
Your employment contracts can protect your company from one of its biggest risks. The people you hire can make mistakes that affect your company's reputation. They can engage in misconduct that leads to a lawsuit against the business. They could even take your best...
Avoid these mistakes when hiring your first employees
Watching your idea bloom from a small business into one where you need employees can be exciting. As you approach this new chapter, you get to find excellent people to support your journey. For many new businesses, hiring can be a challenge. Often, it is not part of...
How to support an employee after they report harassment
It is detrimental to both employees and corporations if any form of harassment occurs in the workplace. As a business owner, you want to foster an environment where everyone feels safe and work gets done. Despite your best efforts to implement clear anti-harassment...