If you have a diverse workforce, it's very important to consider what this is going to mean for your company. You want to make sure that you have the correct policies in place and that you don't make any mistakes that may violate their rights as employees. This is...
How can you avoid legal issues with employees in hospitality?
If you own a company in the hospitality industry, you have probably seen a lot of employees in your time. It’s the kind of work that many consider will suffice for a while, but not something they would want to do forever. Hence the turnover can be high. It means that...
3 reasons your trademark application might be refused
Trademarks play a vital role in protecting your intellectual property. As a result, putting the correct ones in place for all necessary areas is crucial. Yet, each year the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) turns down many trademark approval requests...
How can you reduce the chance of sexual harassment claims?
You’re forward-thinking and open-minded, and you’d like to think your company is too. That does not mean you are exempt from sexual harassment claims. The larger your company becomes, the more you place your reputation in the hands of others. In the same way that one...