WHGC, P.L.C. Legal Blog

EB-5 visa holders invest in American businesses

The U.S. created a visa program in 1990 to create jobs and encourage foreign capital investment. The EB-5 visa program allows entrepreneurs and their families to apply for residency in this country if they make the required investment in a U.S. business and plan to...

“Extraordinary ability” and O-1 visas

The immigration laws in the United States are complex and confusing. While that means that they can be challenging to navigate, it also means that you or your loved one may fail to obtain the status and protection sought simply due to misunderstanding. That’s why it’s...

Challenges investors face with shifting U.S. law

Investors from China and other countries who have chosen to pour capital into business formation in the United States have been facing whiplash and frustrating roadblocks recently. New laws and regulations have stymied the flow of commerce through quotas, increased...

How does California view paid sick leave?

Being an employer in California is an exciting prospect, with booming industries and plenty of eager job candidates. It can feel easy to lose yourself in the upsides of running a business. But, as plenty of headlines show, every move you make can bring inevitable...