Attorney Jeffrey Wang will Speak at the 2012 High Technology Protection Summit July 8, 2012
Dear Esteemed Colleague,I personally will be speaking on Friday, July 27th from 1:55 to 3:55 p.m. (Pacific Time) as part of a panel on “IP Protection and IT-Pharmaceutical Industries in Emerging Markets.”
I personally will be speaking on Friday, July 27th from 1:55 to 3:55 p.m. (Pacific Time) as part of a panel on “IP Protection and IT-Pharmaceutical Industries in Emerging Markets.”
speech by Justice Xiangjun Kong of the People’s Supreme Court of China begins the panel. In addition to myself, the panelists include the Chief Patent Counsel for Microsoft and the Deputy Executive Director for International and Regulatory Affairs at the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). In a rapidly evolving technology world, patent law is ever changing. Therefore, it is imperative for law firms and businesses alike to maintain a current understanding of recent case law developments of patent statutes and the latest patent rulings. After our presentations, we will engage in a live question and answer session with participants. We encourage questions and want to help you understand these important issues directly. Click here to register for this event. I hope to see you in Seattle for CASRIP’s 20th Anniversary!