immigration law

Immigrants begin suing over detainment conditions

There has been a lot of talk about immigration detainment and the conditions of that detainment over the last few years, and one of the most recent developments is that some of those who are being held have decided to sue. They claim that the conditions are harsh and...

Where do undocumented immigrants live?

You have probably heard plenty about undocumented immigrants on the news. Every time you see a new story, you may find yourself wondering about the logistics of being undocumented in the United States. Where do they live? Where do they work? How do they do any of this...

We’re all immigrants

Have you ever heard someone say that the United States is a country of immigrants? It may sound like a simple cliche, something you'd learn in school when studying American history. In reality, though, it's just a fact. The current United States was founded on...

What are some helpful tips for immigrants?

Immigration can be complicated, stressful, exciting and confusing. You'll likely run through all sorts of emotions and you'll have to take legal steps you've never even considered before. Your life is changing forever, and that's not something that happens...